
Willunga Wander

A walking trail of Willunga, to share in the journey from grass to glass!

When you are a grower, you walk a lot. You can’t see what you can’t sense, touch and feel. Driving by the vineyard will not suffice. The different seasons have their own parts to play in the annual life cycle of the vine and being on foot is what we need to do to tune into the pulse of the land, kick the soil and achieve balance.

At harvest time, the most important decision we make is when to pick the grapes, and the only way to do this is to tread rows, taste the bunches, look for that ideal moment of flavour and harmony.

Willunga Wander was born from the philosophy of three caring brands and families who wish to strive for a better environment for their next generation. We believe that making our products should be a healthy and fun pursuit, and we encourage our visitors to share in the journey from grass to glass.

Community is our passion, so by partaking in this experience we invite you to savour the charm of Willunga life, as well as the true artisan and country nature of our people. We wish for you to take your time, breathe it all in, be refreshed, be at peace.